L'ennesima chiusura al pubblico dei sentieri d'accesso a Cava Grande lascia l'amaro in bocca a quanti,turisti e locali, appassionati naturalisti, decidono di visitarla questa Estate. In realtà la chiusura di quest'anno segue tra le altre, quella del 2012 ed è causa di un grosso incendio sviluppatosi oltre un anno fa, nel Giugno 2014. Tali ripetute chiusure rendendo la fruizione dell'area davvero difficoltosa ma soprattutto legata esclusivamente alla possibilità di accedere ad informazioni corrette e recenti. Le ultime dichiarazioni a mezzo stampa del responsabile della riserva non lasciano presagire nulla di buono "C'è la necessita di fare uno studio approfondito e al momento non siamo nemmeno in grado di quantificare l'entità economica dell'intervento che potrebbe variare da 500.000 a 10 milioni di Euro" ed ancora "l'obiettivo rimane sempre la riapertura del sito, ma non è una questione di un anno o due".
Che ci possano essere problemi di sicurezza tali da consigliare la chiusura della riserva nessuno lo mette in dubbio, ma almeno fornire un minimo d'informazioni sulla chiusura, sui siti istituzionali preposti alla gestione (Azienda foreste demaniali) e sui siti di promozione turistica del territorio, limiterebbe certo il danno d'immagine prodotto.
Sul maggiore sito di recensioni turistiche al mondo, Trip Advisor, si possono leggere questo tipo di commenti: Raggiungere i laghetti è stato impossibile. Dal custode ci è stato fornito un percorso alternativo che prevedeva circa 1500 m sotto il sole con accesso da un area privata. Non praticabile con figli al seguito. Consiglio all ente parco di notificare già dal fondo valle (avola) che i laghetti sono irraggiungibili.
Oppure; Delusione e maleducazione perché dopo aver fatto tanta strada per salire all'ingresso del canyon si scopre che è chiuso per incendio. Pare che ogni anno sia così arrivata l'estate. Comunque la gente ai laghetti c'è lo stesso perché pare che il divieto esista ma esistano anche altri varchi non ufficiali da cui scendere (non noti allo scrivente). Maleducazione del dipendente della Regione...
Prendendo spunto dall'ultimo commento riportato, da altri commenti inseriti tra quelli "positivi" e dopo un lungo peregrinare in rete, si apprende che risulta ancora aperto al pubblico il sentiero denominato Prisa-Carrubella, per cui, almeno parzialmente, la Cava risulterebbe fruibile. E fin qui almeno un barlume di speranza di fruizione sopravvive, resta il dubbio tuttavia sul tipo di gestione previsto per questa enorme risorsa che è per la provincia siracusana, e più in generale per il turismo siciliano, Cava Grande.
Il perdurare di un tipo di gestione di tipo esclusivamente "burocratico" non potrà portare alcun giovamento alla fruizione della riserva e al suo godimento da parte degli appassionati. Se la giusta sensibilità per la sicurezza si potesse coniugare insieme alla sensibilità, ed la rispetto, per un visitatore che percorre anche centinaia di chilometri, avvertendolo in modo appropriato delle limitazioni attuali, forse molti ritornerebbero a casa con un ricordo migliore. Sarà difficile per alcuni ma si tratta solo di aver cura dei nostri ospiti cosi come dei nostri luoghi, si chiama semplicemente, promozione turistica del territorio !
Yet another of the trails closed to the public access to Cava Grande leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many, tourists and locals, passionate naturalists, they decide to visit this summer. In fact, the closing of this year following among others, that of 2012 and is due to a big fire broke out more than a year ago, in June 2014. These repeated closures making use of the area very difficult but especially tied exclusively to the possibility access to correct information and recent. The latest statements in the press manager of the reserve does not portend anything good "There is the need to make a thorough study and at the time we are not even able to quantify the extent of economic intervention that could range from 500,000 to 10 million Euro "and even" the goal remains the reopening of the site, but it is not a matter of a year or two. "
That there may be safety concerns such as to recommend the closure of the reserve no one doubts, but at least provide a minimum of information on the closure, on the sites responsible for institutional management (Company state forests) and on the sites of tourist promotion of the territory , would limit some of the damage product image.
The greater tourist site reviews in the world, Trip Advisor, you can read this type of comments: Reach ponds was impossible. The caretaker was given to us an alternate route which involved about 1500 m in the sun with access to a private area. Impracticable with children in tow. Park Authority Council to notify already from the valley (grandmother) that ponds are unreachable.
Or; Disappointment and rudeness because after doing a long way to go up at the entrance of the canyon you discover that it is closed to fire. It seems that every year is so summer's here. However people to the lakes is the same because it seems that the prohibition exists, but there are also other unofficial crossings which go down (not known to the writer). Rudeness of the employee of the region ...
Taking a cue from the last comment made earlier, other comments made between those "positive" and after a long wandering in the network, we learn that it is still open to the public trail called Prisa-Carrubella, so, at least partially, the Cava would be usable . So far at least a glimmer of hope to fruition survives, the doubt remains, however, on the type of report required for this huge resource that is in the province of Syracuse, and more generally for the tourism in Sicily, Cava Grande.
The persistence of a type of management of an exclusively "bureaucratic" can not bring any benefit to the use of the reserve and its enjoyment by fans. If the right sensitivity for security could combine together with the sensitivity, and the respect for a visitor who travels hundreds of kilometers, warning appropriately the current limitations, perhaps many would return home with a better memory. It will be difficult for some but it is just to take care of our guests as well as our places, is called simply, promoting tourism in the area!
Yet another of the trails closed to the public access to Cava Grande leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many, tourists and locals, passionate naturalists, they decide to visit this summer. In fact, the closing of this year following among others, that of 2012 and is due to a big fire broke out more than a year ago, in June 2014. These repeated closures making use of the area very difficult but especially tied exclusively to the possibility access to correct information and recent. The latest statements in the press manager of the reserve does not portend anything good "There is the need to make a thorough study and at the time we are not even able to quantify the extent of economic intervention that could range from 500,000 to 10 million Euro "and even" the goal remains the reopening of the site, but it is not a matter of a year or two. "
That there may be safety concerns such as to recommend the closure of the reserve no one doubts, but at least provide a minimum of information on the closure, on the sites responsible for institutional management (Company state forests) and on the sites of tourist promotion of the territory , would limit some of the damage product image.
The greater tourist site reviews in the world, Trip Advisor, you can read this type of comments: Reach ponds was impossible. The caretaker was given to us an alternate route which involved about 1500 m in the sun with access to a private area. Impracticable with children in tow. Park Authority Council to notify already from the valley (grandmother) that ponds are unreachable.
Or; Disappointment and rudeness because after doing a long way to go up at the entrance of the canyon you discover that it is closed to fire. It seems that every year is so summer's here. However people to the lakes is the same because it seems that the prohibition exists, but there are also other unofficial crossings which go down (not known to the writer). Rudeness of the employee of the region ...
Taking a cue from the last comment made earlier, other comments made between those "positive" and after a long wandering in the network, we learn that it is still open to the public trail called Prisa-Carrubella, so, at least partially, the Cava would be usable . So far at least a glimmer of hope to fruition survives, the doubt remains, however, on the type of report required for this huge resource that is in the province of Syracuse, and more generally for the tourism in Sicily, Cava Grande.
The persistence of a type of management of an exclusively "bureaucratic" can not bring any benefit to the use of the reserve and its enjoyment by fans. If the right sensitivity for security could combine together with the sensitivity, and the respect for a visitor who travels hundreds of kilometers, warning appropriately the current limitations, perhaps many would return home with a better memory. It will be difficult for some but it is just to take care of our guests as well as our places, is called simply, promoting tourism in the area!
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